About Us
St. Malachy Catholic Church Marriage on Purpose Ministry
“As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” ~Pope St. John Paul the Great

Our Story
We believe that holy marriages are essential for a holy Church. Too often we hear about the crisis of vocations in the Church and think of priests and sisters, but much of the crisis is actually in sacramental marriages. To give perspective, in recent decades ordinations have declined 38%, but sacramental marriages have declined 70%. Combined with the staggering rate of divorce, marriages are in trouble.
We want to uphold the goodness of marriage by giving couples hope and support to live and model holy marriages. We aim to help couples continue to grow in love and faith through meaningful conversations and intentional time together.
St. Malachy's Marriage on Purpose Ministry holds monthly date nights, an annual formal to encourage couples to have fun together, as well as an annual marriage conference in the Indianapolis area.